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Personal Letter for Curator – Example

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You have come across a job advertisement for a curator position that would be a perfect fit for you. You really want the job, but you’re aware that there are many applicants, and most, just like you, will have the right qualifications and likely a lot of relevant experience.

In this article, you can read about how you can increase your chances of being called for an interview, what you should consider when writing a personal letter as a curator, and see examples of what such a letter could look like.

The example provided in the article is given merely for illustration purposes. Additional formatting might be required to achieve the desired standard.

A Personal Letter for a Curator Job that Stands Out

In today’s competitive job climate, it takes more than top grades, solid experience, and glowing references. It also requires your ability to present these attributes in a way that captures attention.

Here is a list of things you can do to increase your chances of being called for an interview. Your personal letter can play a pivotal role in the process.

Address the Right Person

Be diligent in addressing the correct individual in your letter. Clearly state the job you are applying for. While it might seem obvious, ensure you’re writing to the appropriate person and that you’ve spelled their name correctly. Surprisingly, many people overlook both of these points in their letters.

Start from the Present

Share your current situation and why you want to move forward. Remember not to be negative, whether about your current employer or any other aspect of your situation. If you’re currently employed, explain why you’re seeking new opportunities. It could be that you feel it’s time for a new challenge. If you’re unemployed or have gaps in your CV, explain why you’re interested in the job, while also being honest about your current job status.

Show Research on the Employer

Indicate that you understand the values of the workplace. This demonstrates genuine interest in the position. Those who take the time to research a company and reference it in their personal letter have a better chance of securing the job.

Why You?

Most top candidates for the job will likely possess equally strong theoretical knowledge and relevant work experience. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider why you specifically are the right fit. Discuss your strengths and don’t forget to mention specialized skills that could be valuable to the employer if you were to get the job. Include personal qualities that align with the position and have contributed to success in similar roles. Highlight past accomplishments without boasting, but also present your achievements objectively.

Tailor Your Personal Letter

Don’t succumb to the temptation of using the same personal letter repeatedly. It should be tailored to the position and aligned with the job description and organization. Mention when your skills and experience align with the requirements, without matching the job description so closely that it appears exaggerated.

Ensure a Neat Appearance for Your Letter

Employers expect to receive a one-page letter, free of spelling or grammatical errors. If your letter contains sloppy mistakes, it won’t matter how experienced and skilled you are – your application will be

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Conclude Politely

End by politely expressing your interest in continuing the dialogue and inviting further communication. Alternatively, state that you look forward to meeting them for an interview and that you’re eager about the position. If you don’t hear back after a while, don’t hesitate to send a follow-up letter or call the contact person to inquire about the progress.

Please note that the translation provided here is a faithful rendition of the original text, with appropriate adjustments made for English grammar and phrasing.

Example: A Personal Letter from a Curator

If you’re unsure about how to best formulate a personal letter as a curator, you have an example here that you can draw inspiration from. Consider the letter below as tips and inspiration, not as a template to follow exactly. These are sample letters, nothing more or less.

Karin Svensson Curator 2b School Road, 204 82 Malmö

To: Johansson Midsummer School 43 Fritjof Nilsson Street, 212 07 Malmö

Date: May 23, 2023


I saw your advertisement Daily News Paper where you’re looking for a school curator. I believe it’s a job that would suit me perfectly.

I have been working as a school curator since 2010, most recently at Drottning Blankas School in Varberg. I was born, raised, and educated in Malmö, and I’ve just moved back here with my husband and two children. During the years I lived in Varberg, I closely followed the developments in my old hometown. I was greatly impressed by your strong stance against bullying, where you clearly sided with the victims. I found it courageous yet at the same time, obvious.

In my professional role, I have also extensively worked on these very issues and, along with my colleagues, successfully tackled the problems at my previous employer. I’d be happy to share more during a potential interview. I’ve also worked for several years – in both Gothenburg and Varberg – at youth clinics. I believe that experience could also be beneficial at Midsummer School.

I am a good listener and an empathetic communicator. And although colleagues and friends consider me a calm and composed individual, I can be straightforward and clear when required.

I studied social work at Malmö University. On weekends, I was active in the Night Watchers program in Varberg. A group of us parents would be out walking during weekend evenings and nights to ensure there were adults around that young people could turn to. We did good work and had fun at the same time. It’s something I’m looking forward to continuing in Malmö.

In summary, I believe I would be a great fit for the role of curator at Midsummer School. I hope you agree with me and that we will soon meet for an interview.

Best regards,





As you can see, it’s important that you highlight concrete examples of what you’ve accomplished and how the new workplace can benefit from your experiences. In the above example, Karin isn’t afraid to share the positives in her background. That’s the purpose of a CV and a personal letter.

A final piece of advice. Don’t forget to have someone you trust to review your letter. It’s easy to become blind to what’s interesting or to forget to bring up things that actually matter—or conversely, to remove or downplay aspects that don’t truly reflect you and your competence in the best way. As mentioned, it’s not the time to be modest. On the contrary. Don’t be afraid to cross things out and rewrite. Whether it takes longer than you anticipated, the time is well invested. Good luck

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