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Change career as a teacher

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Are you a teacher, but considering a career change? Then you have all the chances to succeed. As a teacher, you have a solid professional foundation and skills that are valuable in many different areas.

In this article, we take a closer look at what it’s like to switch careers as a teacher and present various options for those who want to take their career in a new direction.

Immerse yourself in your specialist subject

If you are a subject teacher and want to advance in your career, the natural first step is probably to build on your specialized knowledge. If you are a teacher in natural science subjects, you can explore options for working in, for example, the technology industry. If you are a social science teacher, you may want to continue working with education and societal issues in the public sector at an administration or government agency.

You are a subject teacher in subjects like history or geography, you might instead want to pursue an academic career and deepen your knowledge through doctoral studies. With a Ph.D., exciting new opportunities arise to work as an expert in many different fields, both in Sweden and abroad.

As a language teacher, you can switch to become a translator, further your education to become a librarian, or use your language skills by working as an interpreter, for example. Another option could, of course, be to seek jobs abroad and further enhance your language skills.

Major upheavals in the job market Currently,

Significant changes are taking place in the job market due to the green and digital transition. This dual transition means that society is adapting to new technology in various areas and also to climate change, which affects virtually all workplaces in one way or another. On the technology side, tremendous advancements in areas like artificial intelligence have caused many traditional professions to disappear entirely or partially—or they are on the verge of doing so.

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Companies and other workplaces are adjusting to the circular economy. Which means they must think much more about how resources are utilized. This includes clean natural resources, such as energy sources, as well as finished products. The opposite of the circular economy is the linear economy, which involves extracting, producing, consuming, and discarding natural resources. With a circular approach, resources are instead utilized for as long as possible, including through repair and reuse. On the energy side, the focus is shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and new energy production techniques.

Overall, the dual transition of our society will create many new professions. Where competent personnel will be needed. Teachers are versatile specialists and have skills that fit into many different roles. New jobs will be created that require specialist expertise, such as in technology and law. The transitions will also lead to job opportunities. Where less education is required or where one learns the profession on the job.

Let your curiosity guide you

To succeed in your new job, it is essential that you enjoy it. A good starting point is. Therefore, to figure out what you are truly interested in. What your primary strengths are. Research the job market, read about different professions, make lists comparing the advantages and disadvantages, and how well you meet the qualifications needed for the jobs.

Perhaps you only need to supplement your education with a simple evening course in a particular subject? If you find your dream company, you can send an email to the HR department and briefly introduce yourself, asking if they are planning to hire new employees.

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Pedagogy and education in new forms

Many teachers who change careers continue to work with pedagogy and education, but in new forms. As a teacher, you can, for example, work as a coach or as an educator in museums, companies, or knowledge centers. You can also work as a consultant, either at a consultancy firm or by starting your own business.

If you are considering a career change from teaching but still enjoy teaching, there are also excellent opportunities to work with education in other ways and switch the school environment. Instead of completely changing careers, you can focus on becoming a teacher in different forms than before. For example, you can become a private tutor or work in adult education instead of primary school.

Three alternative careers for teachers looking to switch careers

Here are three examples of professional fields that we believe are suitable for those who want to switch careers from teaching to completely different types of jobs.

Environmental Consultant

For those who want to work with environmental issues, there are professions that often suit teachers with a background in both natural and social science subjects. Becoming an environmental consultant could be an option. The term environmental consultant is broad and encompasses different areas and tasks. In short, it involves providing advice to reduce the client’s environmental impact and contribute to creating an ecological and sustainable society.

Environmental consultants can specialize in various subjects, such as law, economics, or technology. They can also work on waste management, recycling, or biodiversity. Some environmental consultants specialize in specific materials or industrial processes.

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Social Worker

If you want to continue working with children and young people, there are many professions to choose from outside of school. One example is to work as a field assistant, meaning a social worker who reaches out to young people in their own environment to provide support

If you are interested in society, analytical, driven, and a skilled and thorough researcher. A career as a journalist may be an exciting alternative for you as a former teacher. Likely, some of these skills are also the reasons why you chose to become a teacher once upon a time. The competition for jobs is tough, but those who have the right drive and competence can look forward to a rewarding career.

The teaching profession and journalism have many points of contact when it comes to conveying information, being critical of sources, and thinking analytically. Just like teachers, journalists have an incredibly important role in presenting an accurate picture of reality in a time when information is becoming easier to manipulate.

If you want to become a journalist, having substantial work experience is often very advantageous. There are many short journalism courses in Sweden and abroad for those who have an academic degree in another subject or extensive experience from working life. If you have a background as a teacher, you can either specialize in educational issues or in the subject you worked with as a teacher.

Other careers in communication and information dissemination that may be interesting for teachers looking to switch careers include roles such as communicator and information officer

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