Ending a Cover Letter Properly (with examples) -

Ending a Cover Letter Properly (with examples)

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Ending a cover letter properly is an art that requires insight and practice. The conclusion of the letter sets the tone, giving you the opportunity to highlight your professional level and how it aligns with the position you are seeking. Seize the chance to showcase your strengths while also demonstrating respect for the employer’s or recruiter’s time.

When closing your cover letter, express your sincere interest in the job, how well you would fit in, and what you can bring to the table. With a convincing conclusion, you can create a positive impression of your personality and qualifications, showing that you are the right person for the job. In this article, you will learn what matters most when concluding a cover letter. Additionally, you will find four concrete examples that can provide you with inspiration.

 How You End a Personal Letter

Fundamental to all communication is to ‘put yourself in the customer’s shoes,’ meaning understanding what you can do for the person you are communicating with and what is needed to solve their problems. Instead of simply boasting about how great you are, you should formulate your skills and experiences in a way that is interesting to the recipient.

Remember that you should be an asset to the company, not the other way around. This is where the conclusion of your cover letter becomes crucial; you want the recipient to remember you and think that here is someone who could truly bring value and joy to our organization.

Tips for a good ending to your cover letter

If you find it difficult to get to the end, you can start from the following points to remember, remember to be concise.

Remember to:

  • Show confidence
  • Be passionate
  • Link your skills to the position you are applying for
  • Describe your expectations and ambitions
  • Link your goals to the company’s goals
  • Thank
  • Choose the correct closing polite phrase.

Show Confidence

Most employers are looking for individuals who can adapt easily and start contributing quickly. By demonstrating confidence in the conclusion of your cover letter, you can show that you are such a person and that you will be an asset to the company. This can be crucial for whether you proceed in the hiring process or not. Describe how past achievements have led to new responsibilities and how you have successfully tackled new challenges.

Be Passionate

Commitment, motivation, and passion are essential qualities when companies seek new employees. Express passion about your ability to set ambitious goals and achieve them. Describe your capacity to inspire others through your commitment and how you solve problems with your creativity. By expressing passion for the role you are applying for, and for the company’s business, in the end of your cover letter, you signal that you will be a valuable team member.

Connect your Skills to the Position

You are applying for It is essential to keep in mind why you are applying for this job and what you can bring to the table. When concluding the letter, this summary is crucial. Briefly formulate how your past experiences will align with the requirements. The last sentence should tie this together, explaining how your qualifications match the role. By clarifying this at the end, you can demonstrate your intention to use your experiences to achieve goals in the new job, potentially exceeding the employer’s expectations.

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Describe your Expectations and Ambitions

By clearly stating your expectations and level of ambition, you give the employer an idea of what they can expect from you. Be sure to focus on the recipient’s perspective and describe how your qualifications can benefit the company, rather than how the company can benefit you.

Remember to Give Thanks

It may sound obvious, but it is easy to forget that expressing gratitude contributes to the impression you make. Remember that someone is taking the time to read your application and cover letter, most likely one of many. Show appreciation for this and respect the hiring process by thanking them for their time.

Choose the correct closing polite phrase

When your personal letter is ready, a concluding polite phrase is needed. A personal letter may be personal, but it should be kept formal, this also applies to the closing greeting phrase. In Sweden, the two most common and neutral phrases are:

  • Sincerely


  • Sincerely

Requesting Feedback – or Not

Some advocate for expressing a desire for feedback from the recipient of your application. However, not including this can demonstrate confidence; if your application and cover letter are compelling enough, you will likely be contacted.

On the other hand, if you are sending an application to a company you are interested in, but they currently have no open positions, you should clearly state in the end of your cover letter who should initiate the next contact. It’s likely to be you.

Don’t forget to proofread Read

Adjust, and rewrite your cover letter several times before submitting it. A trick is to read the letter aloud, as it quickly helps you spot poor phrasing and overly long sentences. Don’t settle until you are completely satisfied.

Four examples of how you can end a personal letter

Utilize and combine the tips above when crafting your conclusion, and your cover letter will be perceived as clear, engaging, and professional. Here are four examples of how you can conclude a cover letter, let them inspire you:

  1. In my career, I have handled large datasets in marketing campaigns, including performance metric analysis. My adjustments have resulted in conversion rates as high as 200 percent. Therefore, I am eagerly looking forward to applying my experiences and knowledge at [Company XYZ]. Thank you for considering my application. Best regards, …
  2. Thank you for your time and interest. I am excited about the opportunity to leverage my experience as a top-performing sales manager to generate new leads, identify new markets, and build meaningful customer relationships. I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you. Sincerely, …
  3. A primary career goal for me has been to develop strong relationships and exceed customer expectations in all possible contexts. I am delighted at the prospect of using my experience and determination to nurture and grow [Company XYZ’s] customer base. Thank you for considering my application. Best regards, …
  4. I am inspired by [Company XYZ’s] successful support for entrepreneurs and have several marketing strategy ideas that can enhance profitability for this target audience. Thank you for your attention, and I am eager to share my ideas with you. Sincerely,

End Personal Letter – Common Mistakes

A common mistake in general is writing too long. Spend time on outlining and writing multiple versions to gradually shorten the text so that your cover letter becomes concise and to the point. This also applies to the conclusion.

Here are more examples of mistakes to avoid when concluding a cover letter:

Being too Generic

Keep in mind that employers seeking new employees go through many CVs and read numerous cover letters. If your conclusion is too general and not specific enough for the position you are applying for, it may be perceived as careless and unprofessional.

Excessive Overconfidence Having Confidence

Excessive overconfidence Having confidence is good, but being overly confident can come across as arrogant. Show confidence to inspire trust but avoid exaggerating, as it may create concerns for the recipient, who may perceive you as insincere.

Humor to Stand Out

While it’s good to be personal, avoid using humor when concluding your cover letter. It can be perceived as unprofessional and may even offend an employer.

Too Casual

A cover letter in a job application should have a formal tone that instills confidence and signals seriousness. If you become too personal, your letter may feel casual and overly private, which can come across as unprofessional.

Spelling and Careless Mistakes

Spelling errors in a cover letter create a very negative impression, indicating that you are careless and not attentive to details. Be thorough and double-check several times. It’s easy to become blind to your own mistakes, so ask someone else to read it as well to avoid unnecessary errors. This way, you can also receive useful feedback on the entire content.

The keys to a good cover letter are communication skills and relevance. Concluding a cover letter in the right way is essential to demonstrate elevation, professionalism, and how well your qualifications fit the position. It also gives the employer or recruiter the feeling that you are the right candidate for the job.

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